Thursday, December 28, 2023

LOST IN FLORAL RAIN – Reviewed by Anne Ferguson

As a former English teacher, it brings me great joy when someone has the courage to explore their style of writing and experiment with what they discover. Even more courageous is the decision to publish and hold that style up to those who choose to read it. In this case, I feel that the reader of ‘Lost in Floral Rain’ written by Pushpa Suriyaarachi is the one who is rewarded. There are new pieces of information to be gleaned; there are little pieces of poetry to be reflected on; there is a type of travelogue, there is a glimpse into family life through the main character, Kusum, and we are invited to accompany her on parts of her life journey.

I began reading this story knowing very little about Sri Lanka - its society and culture. In short episodes I learnt about aspects of the political situation, particularly of the 1970’s, that were starkly different to what we know as Australians. Pushpa used vivid colour to illustrate tension and victory. I felt, even though the situation was so different from anything I have ever experienced, the frustration of those who were part of it. I also learnt and came to appreciate family traditions and ways of being that helped me understand why things are as they are, even today. I realized how precious education is for those who have the opportunities to pursue it.

The author is insistent that this is not an autobiography – it is a gathering of memories of her time living with family and friends in Sri Lanka. Yet the reader, knowing Pushpa, automatically imagine that Kusum’s description of her university experience is very close to Pushpa’s own student experience. Kusum is passionate, committed, compassionate, an excellent student, successful, a person of integrity. Anyone who comes into Pushpa’s orbit of care would know that this is an exact replica of who Pushpa is as a practicing doctor in Australia.

Lost in Floral Rain is a tribute to Pushpa’s courage, something that is clearly evident throughout the book. She is not confined by writing a ‘book’ – she has a freedom to experiment with memoir, travelogue, poetry, ‘autobiography’, memoir – and she is prepared to publish so that others might benefit through the charity she supports, "Project Home Owl". Through this project, some university students are given tablets to access the necessary textbooks and to facilitate home learning. This is so true to the theme of this book.

I am grateful that I was given the opportunity to read this book. It is a little gem!

Anne Ferguson

Copies of "Lost in Floral Rain" are available for sale in Australia and those who are willing to purchase a copy are kindly requested to refer to information given in the following location:

All revenue raised from the sale of "Lost in Floral rain" will be used for the charity named "Project Home Owl". For details of "Project Home Owl" charity please visit:

For details contact:

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